Scheduling and Customer Information Sheet

If you have honored us by allowing us to inspect your home then we'll need your information. Please fill out the form below and submit it to us. As usual I like to hear from you so call me at 843-608-5851 or email me at Thank You

Are you using your mobile device? Try filling out this form on our mobile friendly site at

Also be sure to review the "Contract" and the "General Scope of Work" from the sample documents page. If you're one of our out of town customers then you can fill out the electronic versions in the navigation menu at the right for your convenience.

All fields are required so if you don't know an answer just leave a dash or write none. The CAPTCHA at the end is case sensitive.

If this is your first contact with us remember we check our email often but if you want immediate response just call or text us using the widget at the right.

Did you view the privacy statement at ? Must select yes to continue.
Enter a proper salutation: for example (Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr.)
Please include city and zip.
If you don't have a cell # then enter your home # again.
Please include city and zip.
Enter the approximate size of heated and unheated areas covered by a roof.For example ( 1500sf living space heated + 400sf double car garage + 125sf front porch + 200sf screened porch = 2225.
If unknown type "unknown" or approx. if needed.
Enter type of inspection i.e. predrywall,buyers,sellers,crawlspace only)
Enter the number of bedrooms,bathrooms if known. If unknown type "unknown".
i.e. # of stories,slab,crawlspace etc.
Describe if the garage is a one car, two car or if it is attached or detached from the home.
Describe the type of porches or decks the property has. For instance: wrap around front porch, small stoop in front, screened in patio in rear, average size wood deck etc.
Enter the realtors company name.
Do you want a copy of your home inspection report sent to the realtor? If so indicate to whom and email address if not already listed above.
List any specific concerns you have about the property.
This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.
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Enter the code depicted in ASCII art style.