Home Inspection Customer Satisfaction Survey

Thank you for filling out our customer satisfaction survey. By participating in our survey you will help our future customers and us here at Blue Palmetto Home Inspection do a better job.

Are you on your mobile device? Try filling out this form at our mobile friendly website at https://summerville-home-inspection.com/customer-satisfaction-survey/

We honor your privacy. Please view our privacy statement at http://www.summerville-home-inspector.com/content/privacy-policy. Must select yes to continue.
List name of reference here if desired.
Rate your overall satisfaction with the readability and information contained in the computerized report.
We here at Blue Palmetto Home Inspection like to hear good things; however productive criticism is encouraged so that we may better serve our customers. Here's your chance!
Only your initials and city will be published. Captcha is case sensitive.
This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.
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Enter the code depicted in ASCII art style.